Domestic violence is an uncomfortable topic for most and sadly too common for all genders. Whether it’s emotional, verbal, physical, financial, or psychological coercive control or whether you’ve been unlucky enough to be at the hands of a narcassist – all forms can cause a monumental amount of psychological damage. It can make you feel very small, break confidence and trust, crush self-esteem to the point that you lose your identity and you don’t know what is healthy anymore. It’s very confusing. Being able to talk about the trauma and have the voice that you may not have had, can go a long way to repairing the damage caused. We would look at healthy ways of relating and boundary setting and build up your self-esteem, rediscovering who you are in the process and creating a new, stronger you.
Abuse is a pattern of behaviour designed to obliterate self-esteem, remove independence and break down will. It is done for the sole purpose of keeping the victim under control