There is still so much stigma surrounding mental health. Sometimes in our lives we have obstacles – many at a time that come at once. Sometimes we need to heal from the past – loss, changes in circumstances, trauma or we want to improve our relationships with those around us and are not quite sure how to do that. Very often life is just fast paced and we need to learn skills to help us build our resilience and maintain balance. Stress, anxiety, depression – really they’re all just a part of life and can touch anyone.
It takes courage to hold your hand up and ask for help or take charge, look at yourself and realise that as humans we are not infallible. It’s certainly not a weakness – it’s life. Hiding and suppressing feelings maintains and heightens anxiety and depression.
Attend therapy, grow, learn and change. Its so empowering and exciting. Once you begin that journey of self awareness, understanding your own behaviour – the bits you like and are not so keen on, your motivation, getting rid of old baggage that no longer serves your purpose – there is nothing in your way to hold you back amymore. You’ll never be the same person again – more grounded, more present. Come and learn new skills to help maintain balance and live a more peaceful life.